I'm a helpless bookworm. There, I said it. Now you can understand how I found out about this book. Last year there was a show on a local radio called Parrafus Interruptus. Every night, the host would begin to read either a play, a novel, a poem or a short story and you were supposed to guess its name and author. What did you get if you guessed right? Well, a book, what else! One night someone called and thank him for mentioning Augusto Monterroso's book since it was simply marvellous. Get it right away, said the green-eyed monster lurking inside me.

This is a jewel of a book and each story is unique. Their power reside in their simplicity, in their social criticism, in their tenderness, witticism, gentle despair, and above all, in Monterroso's fantastic command of the language and an outstanding narrative technique.

I can't possibly choose my favourite because each is powerful in their own way. Take this one for example which is supposed to be the shortest story ever written (though Héctor Yánover -my favourite author and bookseller- claimed that it was Einstein's E=mc2)

The Dinosaur

Upon waking, the dinosaur was still there.

This is my first Monterroso but I'm sure I'll read more. Soon. Really soon.

This is also my second book for the Reading Across Borders Challenge. (I love this new challenge)


  1. Milan-zzz said...
    I’ve been introduced to Monterroso’s work during my summer course of Spanish language and literature in Spain 2005. It was perfect that I was in Spain where I could buy his books (hardly I’d find it in Serbia) and of course even best is that I’m able to read him in his native language :)
    Yes I remember "The Dinosaur"
    (here is my contribution in Spanish: )

    El Dinosaurio
    Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí.

    My favourite from collection I have is The Eclipse
    Have you read that one?
    bookish lore said...
    Yes, I have! It has such a wonderful twist :) though my favourite is Leopoldo (sus trabajos), poor sweet Leopold.

    ¡Qué bueno que lo hayas leído en español! ¿Qué más leíste?
    Heather said...
    ohhhhhhhhh I have to get this book now!! reading your post and now the comments!! what are you doing to me?!? hehe

    bookish lore said...
    lol See? You did the same to me. What goes around, comes around :)
    Milan-zzz said...
    (Oh perdona me; no he visto tu respuesta antes)

    ¡Que chulo, hablas castellano!
    Pues, mi colección es bastante corta; tiene solo 160 paginas y 30 cuentos (El libro se llama Cuentos)

    Ah Leopoldo y sus trabajos ... de verdad pobre Leopoldo ... si es un buen cuento, le recuerdo pero vagamente. Debo leerlo otra vez.
    bookish lore said...
    No hay problema. Me encanta que escribas en español. La verdad es que me siento más cómoda; porque a pesar de los años de estudio, todavía me siento terriblemente insegura con mi inglés. :)

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